- How many WRONG ITEMS have you thrown away this year?
- How much precious TIME have you lost?
- How much MONEY have you lost for badly made items?
B-sniper the first universal system tracing bending lines

“B-sniper is the first universal system tracing bending lines that quickly guides the operator in the most correct centering of the item to be bent with the tools, completely avoiding all the typical mistakes caused by the difficulty to set complicated and conical shapes to the back tools.”
“By using B-sniper, never more positioning mistakes even with wide range punches!”

No more inaccurate positioning on the punch or with the meter at the matrix centre. You only need a reference such as a laser marker, a hollow or a notch to be centered with B-sniper and it's done! It is suitable for Wila Trumpf and Amada Promecam Standard with every punch height.

You can insert the item with B-sniper in modality "on", you centre the bending line reference and ... you just bend it! Never more dangerous operations such as putting hands or the head between tools, when you want to bend your items in a correct and effective way!

B-Sniper is a superlative tool especially with big size items, diamond or calendered items, not regular or conical shapes. You can save up to 67% of positioning time (data based on real tests and simulations)
B-sniper was premiered at EuroBLECH 2018, with huge success!
Regoular Price: 1.200€

B-sniper let yourself guide by the light blade.
- Whenever you have to bend an irregular shape and you do not have any independent back matches.
- Even if your back matches are independent, but their correct positioning is slow and requires many tries.
- Whenever sizes and quantity of your irregular items do not justify the realization of the support templates.
- When you have to center a bending line with a wide radius tool, but, even if you item is very thick, it is difficult to align a laser marking with the meter in the middle of the matrix.
- For conical, irregular, asymmetric shapes, for calendered and diamond cutting B-sniper01 is the definitive solution.

We designed this new device, after many requirements of our clients that need to increase speed and precision of their items to be processed.
“With B-sniper you immediately and drastically cut down any waste of time and money!”

If you ALSO want to stop losing money (and time) …